Clinical Advocacy Liaison, Advisory Council Member

Taylor Inman

Taylor is a passionate advocate for improved diabetes care in schools and emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology and building supportive networks to ensure students with diabetes receive the care they need. Her approach focuses on education, collaboration, and making diabetes management easier for all stakeholders.

The Familial Web of T1D

Taylor was diagnosed with T1D when she was 5 years old. She was already involved in diabetes advocacy for schools through her career when her daughter was also diagnosed with T1D at 6 years of age.

Advocacy Begins at Home

Taylor has continued to advocate at the local and national level through various avenues and organizations to help improve diabetes care in schools and to keep kids safe since her daughter was diagnosed.  She says, “I was that kid who didn’t get to eat treats for class parties and who had to regularly miss class to visit the nurses office. Technology has changed the landscape for type 1 diabetes management allowing children with type 1 feel like ‘normal’ kids with a little support from the adults around them. It is on us, as adults, to educate everyone who cares for children with diabetes and create a circle of support that bridges care from home to school.”  


As the Clinical Advocacy Liaison and Advisory Board Member at FOLLOWT1Ds, Taylor provides invaluable guidance and strategic input, critically analyzing policies that create barriers for students with Type 1 Diabetes. Her work also emphasizes the importance of medical providers taking the right steps in supporting these students. Her insights significantly shape the organization’s positions and advocacy efforts, encouraging organizations and providers to align their efforts with students' federal rights.

Taylor’s philosophy focuses on education and building bridges through collaboration. She has understanding of the medical system, school health system, parent perspective and lived patient experience. She has personally used nearly every type of insulin, CGM and insulin pump system available and is passionate about making diabetes care easier for all stakeholders.