LoudounNow: School Board Members Back Plan For Diabetes Monitoring

Parents asking that school nurses be permitted to monitor children with Type 1 Diabetes using apps won support from School Board members during a June 20 Student Services Committee meeting.

The panel had been discussing a new policy that outlined staff training for diabetes management in schools. Parents in April and May asked the committee to add the ability for nurses to monitor children at school with a CGM app. They said it would help ensure their child’s safety while providing students more time in the classroom and giving parents peace of mind.  

Administrators had recommended against having school nurses monitor students using the apps, but on Thursday, after researching the issue further at the request of committee members, supported CGM app monitoring in elementary schools starting this fall. The program would require buying iPads for each school health office.


Hartford Courant: The claim was discrimination against a CT child with autism and diabetes. This settlement was reached.


LoudounNow: Parents Want More in Schools’ New Diabetes Management Policy