WTOP NEWS: Loudoun Co. school nurses will be able to remotely check diabetic students’ blood glucose levels this year

Nurses at some Loudoun County, Virginia, public schools will be able to monitor diabetic students’ blood glucose levels remotely this school year.

It’s part of an update to a policy in the Northern Virginia school district that was approved at a school board meeting last week. It will allow students who wear a continuous glucose monitor to have their glucose levels observed by school nurses.

The change is something parents have been advocating for, Loudoun County Public Schools public information officer Dan Adams said, but it took time to make sure doctors were involved and there were plans for safely accessing a student’s health information.

“They’ll be able to have that extra level of monitoring, getting alerts if anything is off and helping students be able to check those levels throughout the school day,” Adams said.


Parents advocating for public schools in the USA to follow T1D CGM’s, FOLLOW parent input, and FOLLOW federal law.


LCPS School Board: Members Celebrate as LCPS Sets Precedent to FOLLOWT1Ds