FOLLOWT1Ds Unite for T1D School Rights!

We are parents of students with Type 1 Diabetes advocating for public schools to

We advocate for schools to use Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) caregiver apps, enabling real-time remote monitoring and audible alerts for timely intervention to prevent a medical emergency.

We advocate for schools to follow parental input in managing T1D, as empowered by doctor's orders, ensuring personalized, timely care that complies with medical directives.

We advocate for schools to comply with federal laws, such as DOJ Guidance, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 Regulations, before enacting school district policies.

Did a public school say “NO” to following your child?
Your story may help make a difference!

Resources for Parents

Resources for Providers

“Parents should not have to endure additional emotional turmoil or expend unnecessary energy to secure medically necessary, non-negotiable and reasonable accommodations that schools are already obligated to provide.”

— Kerry Murphy, FOLLOWT1Ds Founder